Please make a note that these services depend on the desire style and length of hair.
Sprirals and Rod Sets (0.6 min)Please note that. There is an additional charge depending on desired style and application. Please contact Dorothy bagwell via email at or by text 317-797-1481 for the extra...
Note Press& Curl application and length of hair may increase the above cost.
Press& Curl (60 min)This Service is for natural hair or for a person yo grow out there relaxer so it takes a lil longer also it depends on the length of the hair also include a deep conditioner.
Please note that it may depend on how long its been since a chemcial was last applied to the hair and also the length of hair .Please contact Dorothy at via email at or via text at3177971481.
Virgin Relaxer (90 min)This Service is for a Client that has never had a Chemical in Their Hair before and it also comes with a deep conditioner anything add is extra.
This service is strictly for a sensitve scalp only.Please make a note it.
No-Lye Relaxers (60 min)This service is a no-lye Relaxer which is for people with a Irritated Scalp and a special conditioning cream relaxer is used for this it also comes with a deep conditoner anything add is extra.
please note this is a curl service for ethnic hair.A trim is included with this services a full cut into style is addotional costs.
Curl Reforming (90 min)This Services is for a Client that wants a wave or curl pattern to the hair and you can not have another Chemical on the hair this services also come with a trim.